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What personality type are most firefighters?

What personality type are most firefighters?

Firefighters: ESTP, ISTP. Dynamic and action-oriented, ESTPs and ISTPs thrive on work that allows them to see immediate, tangible results for their efforts.

What degrees are good for introverts?

College Major Ideas For Introverts

  • Computer Science. If you have the logical and technical skills to learn complicated computer programs and code for multiple hours a day, you should absolutely consider a career in computer science.
  • Accounting.
  • Marketing.
  • Economics.
  • Art.

Can I have anxiety and be a firefighter?

They must be able to organize a great deal of information in a short period of time under extreme mental, physical and psychological conditions. People who have a history of not handling stress well, or are prone to overreact (for example, have ever had a panic attack), do not make good firefighters.

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Are firefighters smart?

Although firefighters do need to possess a certain degree of intelligence, there are certainly many other professions that require more “brain power” than being a firefighter. I consider firefighters to be of average intelligence, but very well-rounded.

Are firefighters alpha males?

Fire departments favor aggressive candidates who aren’t afraid of the myriad hazards the job poses. The tendency to hire strong-willed alpha males—as most firefighters describe themselves and each other—into an aggressive and stubborn culture can be a deadly combination.

What are some high paying jobs for introverts?

High-Paying Jobs for Introverts with Anxiety

  • Virtual Bookkeeper. Unlike accounting, many bookkeeping jobs don’t require you to have a certain degree or certification.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Social Media Manager.
  • Sell Photos.
  • Film/Video Editor.
  • Freelance Translator.
  • Freelance Writer.
  • Editor.

Can you be on Adderall as a firefighter?

Another common drug amongst firefighters is Adderall or other ADD medications like Ritalin or Vyvanse. Firefighters take these drugs to help them stay focused and alert during long shifts, but use can quickly spiral out of control and cause harmful side-effects.

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Can you be a firefighter if you’re on antidepressants?

You can certainly take antidepressants, be it on full duty, and you should not have to tell anyone.