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What problems can a redundant colon cause?

What problems can a redundant colon cause?

People with a redundant colon are at increased risk for colonic volvulus. This is when the colon twists around itself. Colonic volvulus slows or completely stops the flow of stool, leading to a colonic obstruction, and is often a surgical emergency. A redundant sigmoid colon could lead to sigmoid volvulus.

How long can you live with a twisted bowel?

Without any fluids (either as sips, ice chips or intravenously) people with a complete bowel obstruction most often survive a week or two. Sometimes it’s only a few days, sometimes as long as three weeks. With fluids, survival time may be extended by a few weeks or even a month or two.

What is a tortuous bowel?

A redundant colon, sometimes referred to as an elongated or tortuous colon, is an anatomically long, floppy colon. Because of the length, it naturally twists, turns, and flips onto itself to fit into a comparatively small abdominal cavity.

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What causes significant looping of the colon?

Key points. Blind loop syndrome occurs when food doesn’t follow the normal digestion route and bypasses a section of your intestine. It can be caused by abdominal surgery, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, or an infection.

Are you born with a tortuous colon?

Some people are born with it and there may even be a genetic predisposition for the condition. The colon can also become elongated and twisted as a result of a diet low in dietary fiber, chronic constipation, frequent hard stools, and straining to eliminate. In some cases, the cause can’t be identified.

What foods are good for bowel obstruction?

Reduce tough, fibrous fruit and vegetables – chop these foods finely where possible (e.g. celery, mango). Avoid dried fruits, nuts & seeds. Strain fruit and vegetable juices and soups. Avoid wholegrain, high fibre breads and cereals.

Can a tortuous colon be corrected?

There is no one specific treatment protocol for a tortuous colon. Your healthcare provider may work with you to come up with a management plan for any chronic digestive symptoms that you may be experiencing, and this may include the use of prescription medications or over-the-counter products.

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Does constipation cause redundant colon?

Elongated (called redundant) colon often occurs in patients with constipation. These patients are notable during colonic endoscopy because it is very hard to get along the length of the colon (Rex et al. 2007).

What causes a tortuous bowel?