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What pub did Samuel Pepys drink in?

What pub did Samuel Pepys drink in?

Like many pubs in the City, Ye Old Cock Tavern boasts a connection with Pepys (who visited in April 1668 with the actress Mrs Knipp, where he “drank, ate a lobster, and sang, and mighty merry”), but the present building is a relatively recent home dating from the mid-1880s.

What did Samuel Pepys say in his diary?

The plague first entered Pepys’ consciousness enough to warrant a diary entry on April 30, 1665: “Great fears of the Sickenesse here in the City,” he wrote, “it being said that two or three houses are already shut up. God preserve us all.”

What did Samuel Pepys drink?

Like most seventeenth-century Londoners, Pepys drank little or no water. Beer and ale were scarcely thought of as intoxicants; you would have had to drink vast quantities of small beer to become “foxed” or “fuddled,” and, because the water available to Londoners was so foul, mildly alcoholic beverages were safer.

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Where did Pepys live in London?

The diarist Samuel Pepys is commemorated at 12 Buckingham Street, just south of the Strand. He moved there in 1679 after being imprisoned in the Tower of London.

What’s the oldest pub in London?

The Seven Stars
Based on John Hawkins’ list but with several revisions

Name Date
1 The Seven Stars 1602
2 Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese rebuilt 1667
3 The Tipperary built c.1667
4 The Old Bell Tavern rebuilt 1670s

Where did Samuel Pepys keep his diary?

Pepys was an extremely observant commentator and his diary is an important historical document. It was written in shorthand, and is now housed at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Pepys’ diary entry for 22 February 1664 is typical of his blending of domestic details with affairs of state.

Who is Samuel Pepys ks1?

Who was Samuel Pepys? Samuel Pepys was a famous 17th century diarist who lived in London during the great fire. Much of what we know about the Great Fire of London comes from Pepys and his diary.

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Who was Samuel Pepys ks1?

What cheese did Samuel Pepys bury?

parmesan cheese
Samuel Pepys was stationed at the Navy Office on Seething Lane and from 1660 lived in a house attached to the office. It was in the garden of this house that he famously buried his treasured wine and parmesan cheese during the Great Fire of 1666.

Where is Samuel Pepys diary kept?

Magdalene College, Cambridge
1660 – 1669 Pepys was an extremely observant commentator and his diary is an important historical document. It was written in shorthand, and is now housed at Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Where did Pepys live in Clapham?

Pepys went to live at the home of Mr Hewer (formerly his clerk) in 1700 at the Great House on the north side of Clapham Common.