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What rank would All Might be in One-Punch Man?

What rank would All Might be in One-Punch Man?

All might is Rank 3. The Case for Rank #2. Tatsumaki is my favorite character in OPM, that being said. I think she’s about as powerful as All might.

Can One-Punch Man beat All Might?

The One-Punch Man himself has a lot in common with All Might. Both are the strongest heroes in their respective worlds, rely on punches, and have never lost an important battle at full strength. Unfortunately for All Might, Saitama out-muscles him in every way, outclassing him in strength and speed.

How strong is All Might in One-Punch Man?

By using his Quirk, All Might can jump explosively into the air, unleash attacks about 50 times stronger than even other people with super-strength, & withstand ridiculously-powerful attacks with little strain on himself. W: There’s a good reason everyone looks to All Might as the symbol of peace.

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How much force can All Might punch?

All Might’s punches are so hard that they are estimated to be equivalent to the 24 gigatons of TNT. He used it to defeat the USJ Nomu with just five punches instead of 300 or more.

Who is more powerful Saitama or All Might?

Compared to Saitama who, through the powers of satire and ‘brutal training’ is able to defeat every villain in One punch. There for Saitama is immensely stronger than All Might.

Could All Might survive a nuke?

Despite becoming severely weakened since first meeting Izuku, All Might’s pure, overwhelming strength is comparable to that of a nuclear device. All Might was even able to survive All For One’s blast wave attack, a move that can cause city-wide catastrophic damage, and emerged unharmed with only some minor scratches.

Can All Might survive a nuke?

Is King as strong as Saitama?

His mastery is capable of overcoming some of the severest handicaps. For instance, King was capable of effortlessly defeating Saitama in a fighting game despite being low on health and using only two fingers.