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What reverb is best for vocals?

What reverb is best for vocals?

And in general, that’s why plate reverb works well on vocals. Now, let’s go back to the idea of short decay times, because shorter decay times also work well on vocals, because we don’t want to make the vocal go too far back in the mix.

Is reverb good for singing?

Reverb will fill the sound of the vocals out nicely. It will give them more fullness and sustain, and will have a more “natural” sound to them. BUT reverb will also push the vocals back in the mix. It can cause them to lose energy and cohesion, because it overlaps the words and washes them out.

How do I make reverb sound better?

To keep those all-important details intact and still get a spacey feel, here are eight tips for managing a reverb-heavy mix.

  1. Use your reverb’s high-pass filter.
  2. Use your reverb’s low-pass filter.
  3. Automate reverb parameters.
  4. Pan verbs for width.
  5. Determine the location.
  6. Use less than you think.
  7. Compress your vocal ‘verbs.
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How do you add reverb on audacity?

Select the audio track that contains the vocal recording. Click Effect > Reverb to launch the Reverb effect. In the “Presets” panel, click the Load button, select Vocal II from the list then click OK. The controls will now have been adjusted according to the selected preset.

What is the best reverb setting in audacity?

Generally you will want only a touch of reverb. Type “40” into GVerb’s Roomsize field. Enter “4” for Reverb time, “0.9” for Damping and “0.75” for Input bandwidth. Type “0” into the Dry Signal Level field, “-22” into the Early Reflection Level field and “-28” into the Tail Level field.

What is the best setting for reverb?

Move the pre-delay to about 30-40\% or so as a starting point and see how it sounds. With your EQ, maybe set the high-pass around 200Hz and the low-pass at about 12kHz. In a situation like this, you may want to have more body in the reverb.