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What shotgun is used by the police?

What shotgun is used by the police?

The 12 gauge is the most practical shotgun for police use; various actions, such as the slide-action, are acceptable. The article lists and describes available shotgun makes, including models made by Remington Arms, O.F. Mossberg and Sons, Smith and Wesson. It lists the sizes of buckshot available.

Does the German army use shotguns?

To this day, the German Bundeswehr only uses a shotgun for door breaching (a Remington 870). The Axis armies didn’t use them. The German Heer (army) had no doctrine for their use, having vociferously complained they were a violation of the Hague Convention during WWI when the US Army used them for trench clearing.

Do police use Mossberg 500?

Mossberg 500: Perhaps the second most issued or used pump action shotgun, the Mossberg 500, and its variants, have been in production since 1960. The Mossberg 500/590 remains a popular shotgun and can often be found in a police vehicle’s shotgun lock or in the trunk.

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Do police officers use shotguns?

In the United States of America, the use of shotguns by police officers is in decline. Many agencies have adopted patrol rifles for increased precision and better range when compared to shotguns. However, many agencies retain the shotguns for use by newer officers and for less-lethal munitions.

What is the best tactical shotgun for law enforcement?

Top Tactical Shotguns For Law Enforcement Pros Perhaps the most common of all police shotguns, the Remington 870 is a pump gun that comes with a wide range of options for any tactical role.

Can a shotgun be used as a military weapon?

One of the most popular civilian firearms, the shotgun, also has a role as a military weapon. Originally designed as hunting weapons, many armies turn to shotguns for a variety of roles, including close combat and obstacle breaching.

Is the SLP Mk I tactical semi-automatic shotgun ready for duty?

From the extended magazine tube to the addition of a tri-rail forend, the SLP MK I Tactical semi-automatic shotgun from FNH USA is ready for duty. Its fiber-optic front sight and pistol-grip stock will help an officer get on target fast. For more information, visit fnhusa.com or call 703-288-3500.

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Why do police officers carry 12 gauge shotguns?

Traditionally, a 12-gauge shotgun provides police officers with more firepower when entering a dangerous situation. Even with the popularity of patrol rifles, shotguns still have an important place in the hands of law enforcement professionals.