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What should be kept in north east corner of kitchen?

What should be kept in north east corner of kitchen?

Sinks and taps in the kitchen indicate flowing water and they should always be placed in the north-east direction. Also, kitchen sink vastu shastra says that sinks should not be placed anywhere near the stove, since water and fire are opposite elements and they repel each other.

Is North East facing kitchen good?

The North-East corner should never be used for constructing the Kitchen. This direction is best suited for living rooms and meditation rooms because the morning sun rays enter from this direction earlier compared to other directions. Cooking should be done in the South-East corner or on the East side of the Kitchen.

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Is it OK to have kitchen in east?

As per Vastu Shastra, kitchen should always be made in Southeast or East direction. Following Vastu tips can bring peace and prosperity in your life. Vastu Shastra should be followed even during the construction of the kitchen. It is believed that kitchen in Northeast direction causes unnecessary expenses.

Where should I put my dustbin in my kitchen?

The south-west, the west or the north west, in the kitchen, as per Vastu, are ideal directions to keep dustbins.

How do you brighten a north facing kitchen?

Warm whites with a yellow or creamy base will work great in your north facing kitchen. Kitchen cabinetry can come in an array of colours and finishes, and to make a north facing kitchen perfect, choosing a warm based natural colour could be the best one due to it’s undertones. Great to make the room feel warmer.

Where the kitchen should be as per Vastu?

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According to Vastu Shastra, the Lord of Fire—Agni—prevails in the southeast direction of the home, which means that the ideal placement of the kitchen is the southeast direction of your home. If for any reason, you are unable to do so, the north-west direction will work.

Where should be kitchen as per Vastu?