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What should I study for MAT exam?

What should I study for MAT exam?

MAT Preparation Books by Nishit K Sinha

  • ‘Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT’ – by Nishit K Sinha (Published by Pearson)
  • ‘Logical Reasoning and data Interpretation for the CAT’- by Nishit K Sinha (Published by Pearson)
  • ‘Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT’-by Nishit K Sinha.

Is 1 month enough for MAT?

MAT exam preparation is possible in one month, provided one is focused and dedicated towards it. Check tips on how to prepare for MAT 2021 in one month, here. As compared to other MBA entrance exams, Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a relatively easier exam.

How can I get good marks in MAT exam?

MAT May 2017 exam: 5 smart tips to score high in MAT- MBA entrance exam on May 7

  1. Revise only: Don’t begin anything new.
  2. Attempt MAT Mocks & mark answer on dummy OMR sheets.
  3. Focus on Top 4 scoring sections.
  4. Revisit the key scoring topics.
  5. Language comprehension.
  6. Mathematical Skills.
  7. Intelligence and critical reasoning.
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Is GK important for Mat?

Since the GK section in MAT exam is not counted for score calculation, many candidates skipped or attempted very few questions in Indian and Global Environment section and utilized this time to attempt the questions in other sections.

How can I prepare for mat in 3 months?

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

  1. First Month: Understand the basic patterns and concepts of the types of reasoning questions in MAT.
  2. Second Month: Learn tricks to solve questions quickly and accurately.
  3. Third Month: Take online MAT mock test to develop the speed of solving reasoning questions specific to the exam.

Is MAT difficult?

Both CAT and MAT are similar in terms of syllabus and question type (MCQs) but very different in other aspects such as subjects, exam pattern, marking scheme, difficulty level, etc….CAT vs MAT Exam: Key Differences.

Parameters CAT exam MAT exam
Difficulty level High Easy

What is the pattern of MAT exam?

MAT Exam pattern 2021 consists of 200 Objective Type Questions (MCQs) MAT Questions are of easy to moderate difficulty level. The 5 test sections in MAT 2021 exam are Language Comprehension, Mathematical skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Indian and Global Environment.