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What should we do to preserve our World heritage sites?

What should we do to preserve our World heritage sites?

How to preserve monuments:

  1. Awareness campaign to educate community.
  2. Adopt monuments.
  3. Strict Government action & plan to save monuments, setting up of Archaeological departments.
  4. Collecting, generation of funds & donation for their renovation.
  5. Chemical treatments of monuments & restoration.

How can we control deterioration in the heritage sites?

Conducting plantation programme, awareness programme, cleanliness program , and implimation of strict rules and regulation can help to protect our National Heritage.

What are the factors that leads to the deterioration of heritage sites?

Social factors that contribute to deterioration processes of the fabric of heritage sites….Society’s valuing of heritage

  • Changes in values leading to new uses of heritage resources.
  • Expansions of / additions to current uses of heritage resources.
  • Conflicting values.
  • Abandonment.
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What are the threats of World Heritage sites?

Armed conflict and war, earthquakes and other natural disasters, pollution, poaching, uncontrolled urbanization and unchecked tourist development pose major problems to World Heritage sites.

What are the 4 factors of heritage?

Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity).

What is a threat to world heritage sites?

Why do we celebrate Heritage Day?

Heritage Day on 24 September recognises and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. South Africans celebrate the day by remembering the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Various events are staged throughout the country to commemorate this day.

What is the threat to culture?

define cultural threat as the perceived harm caused by immigrants with distinct morals, norms, and values. When an individual feels that his or her culture is threatened by the potential integration of a particular set of immigrants, that person responds more negatively towards that group.

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Are natural world heritage sites in danger of being destroyed?

When a place is designated a Natural World Heritage Site, it is a recognition that it has “outstanding universal value” and must be protected. But a new study shows many of these sites are being severely damaged by human activity and are deteriorating rapidly.

Does heritage matter in the face of disaster?

Recent studies, moreover, have demonstrated how heritage, in both its tangible and intangible forms, is not simply a passive entity in the face of disaster, but has a significant potential for reducing disaster risks in general.

What is the impact of the use of heritage sites?

Some uses might have a positive impact as they enhance certain values (e.g. ritual, religious) while others might compromise ascribed values and could lead to the deterioration of the heritage site.

What factors affect the outstanding universal value of World Heritage Properties?

The standard list of threats/factors affecting the Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage properties consists of a series of 14 primary factors, encompassing each a number of secondary factors. Major accommodation and associated infrastructure (hotels, restaurants, golf courses, ski resorts, etc.)