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What should you do with curse words answer?

What should you do with curse words answer?

Answer: a) transcribe it word for word.

Have curse words become so common they have lost their shock value?

Ironically today, curse words have become so common that the shock value is gone. This is due to constant use of curse words in daily conversations, movies and songs as well as the usage among adults which influences children. friendship, meaning we are comfortable around each other and can be rude to one another.

Why are they called curse words?

developed from the notion of “invoke sacred names.” Thus you make use of a bad language, in the original sense, not because of coarseness, but determined by the misuse of it. Later it became the word of choice to the bad election of language in the form of cursing.

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How do you quote a curse word?

If a full quote that contains an obscenity, profanity, of vulgarity cannot be dropped but there is no compelling reason for the offensive language, replace the letter of the offensive word with hyphens, using only an initial letter.

Should you censor cuss words in essays?

Unless you are quoting someone directly, you shouldn’t use these words in essay writing. They are too informal and will reflect badly on you, the writer, even though they aren’t actually offensive.

Should you transcribe curse words?

If there are curse words in the audio, transcribe them word for word. Capitalize nouns followed by numbers or letters that are part of a series (E.g. Grade 8, Section B, Chapter 1, Article VI, et cetera). However, do not capitalize smaller divisions: page 1, paragraph 7, et cetera.

Is curse a bad word?

1 : an offensive word that people say when they are angry : swearword I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off. 2 : magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck for someone or the condition that results when such words are said The witch pronounced a curse in some strange language.

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What exactly is a curse word?

noun. a profane or obscene word, especially as used in anger or for emphasis. any term conceived of as offensive.

Can you curse in an essay?

Swearing in Academic Writing Don’t do it. Ever. Unless you are writing a thesis about the linguistics of swearing or quoting something else that contains swearing, there is no reason for the use of profanity in your academic writing.