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What the US can learn from Finland where school starts at age 7?

What the US can learn from Finland where school starts at age 7?

Finland, a country the size of Minnesota, beats the U.S. in math, reading and science, even though Finnish children don’t start school until age 7. Despite the late start, the vast majority arrive with solid reading and math skills.

What subjects are taught in Finland schools?

The core subjects are Finnish, Swedish, mathematics, physics and chemistry, social, business and labor-market subjects, physical and health education, and art and culture. Graduates from these programs may apply for admission to polytechnics or universities.

What age do children in Finland learn to read?

Finland has developed a solution to improving reading skills that sees volunteer grandparents recruited to support students struggling with reading. The approach is being used in more than 60 schools and is being shown to improve reading literacy levels. Children in Finland typically start school at the age of seven.

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What age is kindergarten in Finland?

Generally preschool education begins in the year a child becomes six years of age and takes place in a child care centre, commonly referred to as a kindergarten.

Does Finland have no homework?

The truth is that there is nearly no homework in the country with one of the top education systems in the world. Finnish people believe that besides homework, there are many more things that can improve child’s performance in school, such as having dinner with their families, exercising or getting a good night’s sleep.

What is the Finnish curriculum?

The Finnish National Board of Education sets the National Core Curriculum, which defines the broad objectives for education. The system is based upon the promotion of progressive values to create divergent and innovative learners who are curious, creative, open-minded and respectful.

What do Finnish children do before starting school?

In Finland, they are more relaxed: “We believe children under seven are not ready to start school,” says Tiina Marjoniemi, the head of the centre. “They need time to play and be physically active. It’s a time for creativity.” There is an emphasis on physical activity (at least 90 minutes outdoor play a day).

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Why is it better to start school at 7?

One study which was published last year found that children who start school later are less likely to be inattentive or hyperactive in class. He said that the gap between the academically capable children and those who are less able opens up quickly and creates a burden for teachers.

How do kids learn in Finland?

We were curious about what makes early education in Finland fun, effective and unique. So during last week’s Fun Learning Educator Training, we asked a group of kindergarten teachers to break it down for us. This is what they had to say.