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What type of underwear should I wear for a massage?

What type of underwear should I wear for a massage?

You may be offered disposable underwear to avoid any oil stains, which you can accept or reject based on personal preference. Keep in mind that if you want to wear your skivvies but are getting any gluteal work done, thong underwear is ideal.

Do I leave my underwear on for a massage?

The therapist should always accommodate the client, not the other way around. If you feel more comfortable wearing underwear, then by all means, please leave them on. So if you are in need of a massage from a skilled therapist to leave you feeling relaxed, then call Z Salon & Spa for an appointment today!

Should you undress for massage?

You do not need to be completely undressed. We say “undress to your comfort level.” Personally, as a therapist I prefer less clothing on my client as I can get the muscles a little more, and I can use many techniques. If you were fully clothed there would be a different glide and traction with the massage.

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What should I wear to my RMT appointment?

It’s really up to you. If you choose to be fully clothed, please wear loose fitting clothing (like sweatpants and a t-shirt) so that your body will not be restricted during your treatment. Cover yourself with the linens provided and wait for your therapist to knock on the door.

What is the four hand massage?

A 4 hand massage is a kind of massage that has 2 masseurs or therapists for one client. They practice synchronized technical massage movements and apply the same pressure and pace on both sides of the body (left and right ) which increases the level of muscle relaxation and massage benefits.

Do you take clothes off for RMT?

You can receive an effective, therapeutic massage regardless of what clothing (if any) you choose to remove. Your comfort and ability to relax is a top priority for our RMTs. Some people like to take off all their clothing, while others leave on their undergarments or other articles of clothing. It’s really up to you.