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What US state has the largest forest?

What US state has the largest forest?

Alaska is home to the nation’s largest national forest, the Tongass National Forest, at a massive 16.8 million acres.

Which state has the most forest acres?

Alaska is the largest U.S. state in terms of area and also contains some areas of the most untamed wildlife in North America….Leading states based on total forest land area in the United States in 2012 (in 1,000 acres)

Characteristic Area in thousand acres
Alaska 91,817
Georgia 24,352
Oregon 24,116
Alabama 22,800

Which states have the most forested land?

List by state, district, or territory

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Rank State, district or territory Percent forest (2016)
1 Maine 89.46\%
2 New Hampshire 84.32\%
3 American Samoa 80.84\%
4 Northern Mariana Islands 80.37\%

Does New Jersey have a lot of forest?

New Jersey is 42 percent forested. 62 percent of New Jersey’s forests are privately owned. Forests are the greatest land use in New Jersey.

Which state has the most deforestation?

Alaska had the most tree cover loss at 5.64Mha compared to an average of 828kha.

  • Alaska. 5.64Mha.
  • Georgia. 3.31Mha.
  • Alabama. 3.04Mha.
  • Mississippi. 2.37Mha.
  • California. 2.19Mha.

What state is home to the smallest national forest?

America’s Smallest National Forest Is Right Here In Alabama And You’ll Want To Explore It

  • Alabama’s Tuskegee National Forest is located in Macon County.
  • Covering a little more than 11,000 acres, Tuskegee National Forest is America’s smallest national forest.

Does every state have a forest?

Thirty-eight of the U.S.’s 50 states have state forests, as does one territory, Puerto Rico. The remaining twelve states do not have state forests. This is a list of links to state forests in the United States. See also Category:State forests in the United States.

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What is the biggest forest in NJ?

Wharton State Forest
Wharton State Forest is the largest single tract of land within the New Jersey State Park System. It contains in excess of 110,000 acres in Atlantic, Burlington, and Camden counties.

What kind of forests are in NJ?

Two forest-type groups—oak/hickory (867,300 acres) and loblolly/shortleaf pine (467,000 acres)—occupy 67 percent of forest land in New Jersey. Within these two groups, white oak/red oak/hickory (256,000 acres) and pitch pine (444,500 acres) are the largest forest types, respectively.

What percent of North America is covered by forests?

Forests and other wooded land today cover approximately 850 million ha in North America, slightly more than 40 percent of the total land area. Of this, forests account for about 500 million ha, or 25 percent of the land area.

Which state has lowest forest cover?

In 2017, Haryana had the lowest forest cover with respect to total geographical area in India at 6.79 percent. Trailing closely behind was the state of Punjab with 6.87 percent tree cover. Both Haryana and Punjab are located in the northern part of India.