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What violent methods did the suffragettes use?

What violent methods did the suffragettes use?

From 1905 onwards the Suffragettes’ campaign became more violent. Their motto was ‘Deeds Not Words’ and they began using more aggressive tactics to get people to listen. This included breaking windows, planting bombs, handcuffing themselves to railings and going on hunger strikes.

What tactics did the suffragists use?


  • Introduction.
  • Lobbying and Petitioning.
  • Parades.
  • Pageants.
  • Picketing and Demonstrations.
  • Arrests and Imprisonment.
  • Why did the suffragettes use violence to get the vote?

    They consciously adopted violence as a way to influence the men. Emmeline Pankhurst said: ‘The argument of the broken pane is the most valuable argument in modern politics’. In this interpretation, violence was a cold, conscious tactic.

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    What militant methods did the suffragettes use?

    Militant suffragettes destroyed contents of letterboxes and smashed the windows of thousands of shops and offices. They cut telephone wires, burned down the houses of politicians and prominent members of society, set cricket pavilions alight and carved slogans into golf courses.

    What did suffragettes burn down?

    In 1913 the WSPU arson campaign escalated and railway stations, cricket pavilions, racecourse stands and golf clubhouses being set on fire. Slogans in favour of women’s suffrage were cut and burned into the turf. Suffragettes also cut telephone wires and destroyed letters by pouring chemicals into post boxes.

    How effective were the suffragettes methods?

    The Suffragettes waged a very literal battle to overcome bigotry and win the vote for women. Yes, they resorted to violent tactics, from smashing windows and arson attacks to setting off bombs and even attacking works of art.

    What tactics did Alice Paul use?

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    While in England, Paul met American Lucy Burns, and joining the women’s suffrage efforts there, they learned militant protest tactics, including picketing and hunger strikes.

    Did the suffragette movement work?

    Women win a partial victory In 1918 the Representation of the People Act extended the vote to all men over 21, and to some groups of women over 30. It had the added advantage of taking the heat out of the female suffrage movement. Yet more than half of women still did not have a say in electing their government.

    Did militant tactics help or hinder the campaign for women’s suffrage?

    Historians disagree about whether or not the Suffragettes helped the cause of women’s suffrage: Such violence led to a mixed reaction. It is debatable how much effect the suffragette movement had on bringing about changes in voting laws. Some believe the movement’s militancy made the Government more intransigent.