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What was Oshos real name?

What was Oshos real name?

Chandra Mohan Jain
Osho/Full name
Osho was born as Chandra Mohan Jain on 11 December 1931 in Kuchwada village of Madhya Pradesh. Subsequently, after enlightenment, he was known by many other names like Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh, Osho, and sometimes as “sex guru”.

How to live with awareness Osho?

Key to live happily is to live with awareness. Do not waste time repenting if u can’t be aware all throughout the day. Just become aware about the present moment all the time. 5.0 out of 5 stars Read this before you read any other Osho book!

Who is Krishna by Osho?

In Osho’s view, Krishna is a man who lived life as it should be lived. He accepted the world and life itself at its own terms. As Osho points out, religious people accept god but not the world they live in, while atheists accept the world they live in but not the concept of God.

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How many books Osho read in his life?

The answer is 32767. Don’t ask me the names though. Osho has never written any book, he has only spoken whole of his life and his discourses are transcribed into books.

What Osho says about life?

Osho > Quotes

  • “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
  • “Experience life in all possible ways —
  • “Sadness gives depth.
  • “To be creative means to be in love with life.
  • “Be — don’t try to become”
  • “Friendship is the purest love.
  • “I’m simply saying that there is a way to be sane.
  • “Life begins where fear ends.”

How do I practice witnessing Osho?

“Watch your mind. “Don’t do anything – no repetition of mantra, no repetition of the name of god – just watch whatever the mind is doing. Don’t disturb it, don’t prevent it, don’t repress it; don’t do anything at all on your part. You just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation.

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What Osho says about Buddha?

Gautam Buddha is not only enlightened, but an enlightened revolutionary. His concern with the world, with people, is immense. He was teaching his disciples that when you meditate and you feel silence, serenity, a deep joy bubbling inside your being, don’t hold onto it; give it to the whole world.

How many Rolls Royces did the Bhagwan have?

93 Rolls-Royces
Throughout their time at Rajneeshpuram, the guru and his community had accumulated huge wealth – planes, guns and luxury items, plus the 93 Rolls-Royces. It all got liquidated, but the story goes that the cheeky Bhagwan found a smart way to retain eight Rollers: by buying them back.

How old was Bhagwan Rajneesh when he died?

58 years (1931–1990)
Osho/Age at death

Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, the Indian guru who attracted thousands of followers at his Oregon commune in the early 1980’s before being deported from the United States, died yesterday of heart disease at his commune in Poona, in southern India, members of his entourage there told reporters. He was 58 years old.