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What was the impact of Islam in East Africa?

What was the impact of Islam in East Africa?

As in North Africa, trade was a powerful strand in the conversion of people to Islam. East Africa offered gold, ivory and slaves, and later on very fine woven cotton. In return, traders from the East and Persian Gulf brought textiles, spices, porcelain and other finished goods.

How did Islam impact African culture?

Islam in Africa has linked together diverse peoples through better cultural understanding and a spirit of cooperation and common weal. The historial impact of Islam upon trade, particularly in West Africa, greatly increased the wealth of African people and helped form many great African empires.

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How did Islam impact the societies in the Middle East and Africa?

In summary, the coming of Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa facilitated the rise of political empires, encouraged trade and wealth, and increased the traffic in slavery. In its pure form, Islam was more attractive to kings because of its concept of the caliph combined political power with religious authority.

What were the effects of Arab trade on West Africa?

They spread Islamic ideas throughout West Africa. Many West Africans converted to Islam because it stressed belief in the “brotherhood of all believers.” This sense of brotherhood encouraged trust and peaceful trade between people of different nationalities.

How did Islam influence the Middle East?

Islam, founded in seventh-century Arabia by the prophet Muhammad, altered the Middle East economically. Within a century, Muslims had conquered most of the Middle East and parts of Spain, and had created a unified economic sphere. Trade flourished and the Middle East experienced an economic and cultural renaissance.

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How did Islam affect Africa quizlet?

Terms in this set (5) Islam impacted Northern and Eastern Africa, but also Western African especially in Timbuktu. Islam influenced architecture in Africa because beautiful mosques were built.

What was Arabic used for in West African society?

In the eight century, trans-Saharan trade brought Muslim merchants and traders to West Africa. African Muslims learned Islam’s Five Pillars of Faith. They prayed in Arabic, fasted, worshiped in mosques, went on pilgrimages, and gave alms. They were taught to regard all Muslims as part of a single community.

How did Islam impact West African communities?

Islam promoted trade between West Africa and the Mediterranean. The religion developed and widened the trans-Saharan Caravan trade. The trade enriched the West African and the Muslim traders. Muslims from North Africa came in their numbers and settled in the commercial centres.