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What weapons are allowed during the purge?

What weapons are allowed during the purge?

Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.

What weapons can you not use in the purge?

Class 4 Weapons or DD’s cover anything that explodes, shoots flames, or launches an exploding device. Class IV weapons are illegal to own, manufacture, sell, trade, import, export, or own parts for, by any American citizen other than properly licensed LEO’s, Military, and government officials.

What are Level 5 weapons?

Class 5 Weapons (Guns) by Name:

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Type Faction Shield
Pulse Corsairs 303.0
Laser Order 20.2
Tachyon LWB 67.35
Tachyon Outcasts 80.8

What is not allowed during the purge?

The only rules during the Purge are that government officials “ranking 10 or higher” must remain unharmed, the use of weaponry above “Class 4” is forbidden, and police and emergency services are suspended. Anyone who doesn’t follow the rules is executed.

What are Class 4 weapons in the purge?

Class 4 Weapons or DD’s cover anything that explodes, or launches an exploding device. Class IV weapons are illegal to own, manufacture, sell, trade, import, export, or own parts for, by any American citizen other than properly licensed LEO’s, Military, and government officials.

What are Class 4 weapons in The Purge?

Is The Purge happening in 2022?

Every year on March 21 The Purge Becomes Accepted – March 21, 2022 (The Purge) By the time of The Purge – which is set in the fifth year of the national rollout – the event has become an accepted holiday, with much of the US infrastructure rebuilt to account for it: insurance, security and, yes, plotted murder.