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What will be the effect on the velocity of motorcycle?

What will be the effect on the velocity of motorcycle?

Class 9 Question. Then the velocity relative to the ground =speed.so the changing of motorcycles speed will cause an equal and exact change in the velocity.

What happens to velocity when speed increases?

Explanation: Speed increases when velocity and acceleration have the same sign. In section C, the velocity is negative and the slope is negative, meaning that the speed is increasing.

What will be the effect on velocity if Manoj change speed and direction of motor cycle on turn?

Explanation: No, the speed and velocity will not be the same. While turning, direction of motion changes. Hence, speed will not be the same as velocity.

Does velocity depend on speed and direction?

The direction of the velocity vector is simply the same as the direction that an object is moving. Note that speed has no direction (it is a scalar) and the velocity at any instant is simply the speed value with a direction.

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What will happen to the velocity if Manoj changes both the speed and direction of bike while riding a bike on turning road?

Explanation: Answer:No, the speed and velocity will not be the same. While turning, direction of motion changes. Hence, speed will not be the same as velocity.

What will be the effect on the speed if Manoj changes the speed and direction of the motorcycle while riding on the detour road?

Answer: No, the speed and velocity will not be the same. While turning, direction of motion changes. Hence, speed will not be the same as velocity.

Does speed affect velocity?

While the speed of the object is constant, its velocity is changing. Velocity, being a vector, has a constant magnitude but a changing direction.

What happens if velocity decreases?

When velocity changes DOWNWARD for an object, it’s acceleration is negative; that is, it acts in the opposite direction of motion. In magnitude, though, it can do anything: its magnitude can go up, down, or in between (just kidding!) or be stable. In magnitude. Depends on what you call “decreasing”.

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What are the factors that affect velocity?

The factors affecting the terminal velocity of an object include:

  • its mass.
  • its surface area.
  • the acceleration due to gravity , g.