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What will be the maximum data rate that can be transmitted if the signal to noise ratio is 20 dB and the channel bandwidth is 40 kHz?

What will be the maximum data rate that can be transmitted if the signal to noise ratio is 20 dB and the channel bandwidth is 40 kHz?

a) (8 pts) If a binary signal is sent over a 3-kHz channel whose signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is 20dB, what is the maximum achievable data rate? Substitude S/N into Shannon’s theorem, we get the maximum bps as 3k*log2^(1+S/N)=3log2^101kbps=19.97kbps.

Is dB a good WiFi signal?

Any signal between -67 to -30 dBm will let you perform most online activities. -50 dBm: This is considered an excellent signal strength. -60 dBm: This is a good signal strength. -67 dBm: This is a reliable signal strength.

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What is the channel capacity for bandwidth of 3 KHz and signal to noise ratio 30 dB?

For example, if a system has bandwidth B = 3 kHz with 30-dB quality of transmission line, then the maximum data rate = 3000 log2 (1 + 1000) = 29, 904 bps.

What is defined to be the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted to a channel?

channel capacity
The channel capacity, C, is defined to be the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted through a channel.

How do you calculate signal to noise ratio in decibels?

Furthermore, for power, SNR = 20 log (S ÷ N) and for voltage, SNR = 10 log (S ÷ N). Also, the resulting calculation is the SNR in decibels. For example, your measured noise value (N) is 2 microvolts, and your signal (S) is 300 millivolts. The SNR is 10 log (.

What is SNR ( signal-to-noise ratio)?

In terms of definition, SNR or signal-to-noise ratio is the ratio between the desired information or the power of a signal and the undesired signal or the power of the background noise.

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What does an SNR of 95 dB mean?

For example, an SNR of 95 dB, means that the level of the audio signal is 95 dB higher than the level of the noise. Which, in turn, means that an SNR of 95 dB is better than one that is 80 dB. SNR calculations can be either simple or complex, and it depends on the devices in question and your available data.

How do you calculate Snr in decibels?

Furthermore, for power, SNR = 20 log (S ÷ N) and for voltage, SNR = 10 log (S ÷ N). Also, the resulting calculation is the SNR in decibels. For example, your measured noise value (N) is 2 microvolts, and your signal (S) is 300 millivolts. The SNR is 10 log (.3 ÷.000002) or approximately 62 dB.

What is a good signal to noise ratio for a modem?

Within +/- 10 is best but even +/- 15 isn’t usually a big deal. The modem status will show the downstream SNr (signal to noise ratio) which usually should be above 30, mid to upper 30’s is good, over 30 usually means you’ve got too much power anyhow, and under the 25-30 range you’re gonna start losing packets.