Popular lifehacks

What will happen if the field excitation of alternator in synchronization is lost while mechanical power intact?

What will happen if the field excitation of alternator in synchronization is lost while mechanical power intact?

When Field Excitation is lostField Excitation is lost while the Mechanical Power remains intact, it would attempt to remain synchronized by running as an InductionInduction GeneratorGenerator..

What happens if field winding of the synchronous motor is open circuited?

If the field winding of an unloaded salient pole synchronous motor is open-circuited the motor field current becomes zero and the synchronous motor runs as a reluctance motor.

What problems occur when an alternator loses its excitation?

b) When a generator loses its excitation, other generators in the system increase the reactive power output. This may cause the overloading in some transmission lines or transformers and the over-current relay may consider this overloading as a fault and isolate the non-fault equipments.

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What happens when a generator loses excitation?

When a generator loses its excitation, the rotor current decreases gradually and the field voltage slowly decays as dictated by the field time constant. As a final outcome, the generator starts to consume reactive power from the power system instead of supplying it.

What happens to synchronous motor if only field is excited?

As the Field Winding is excited by AC source, an alternating / pulsating magnetic flux will be produced. The armature conductor at Stator will not see any change in flux due to backward rotating field flux and hence no EMF will be generated in the Armature Terminal of Alternator.

What happens when field circuit of synchronous motor is disconnected?

Reluctance torque comes into play when any winding is disconnected i.e. filed winding or armature winding in the running conditions. The machine will continue to run at synchronous speed due to reluctance torque (i.e. even when field winding or armature windings are disconnected).

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What is loss of field on generator?

Loss of field (LOF) occurs when the generator field winding provides insufficient excitation voltage for proper generator operation, causing the generator to operate outside its desirable operating region.