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What will happen if we throw garbage on road?

What will happen if we throw garbage on road?

Impact on the environment: Carelessly throwing garbage along the sides of the road, on the streets, in water bodies, can lead to toxic materials or chemicals to be washed into rivers, oceans, lakes, creeks, forests, etc.

How can we stop littering on the road?

Litter Prevention

  1. Keep a litter bag in your car and hang on to litter until you find a garbage receptacle.
  2. Report litterbugs.
  3. Make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids.
  4. Share with others the proper way to dispose of trash.
  5. Put papers in a paper bag before placing them in your recycling bin.

Is littering a law?

The act of littering is made illegal in the state of California under Penal Code (PC) 374. This section of the law is all about how people dispose of their waste products. The law even classifies what counts as waste products.

Why should we not throw garbage anywhere?

Throwing garbage all over the place will not only dirty our surroundings and pollute the environment, making it very unhygienic, but also causes bad odours and encourages the infestation of cockroaches, flies and other insects. There are various diseases caused due to poor maintenance of hygienic conditions.

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Is throwing garbage illegal in India?

As per the SWM Rules 2016 and SWM Bye-laws 2019, offences such as improper dry waste segregation, littering, spitting, and urinating in public spaces are fined Rs 500. Penalty of Rs 1000 is levied for subsequent offences.

Why we should throw garbage in dustbin?

we should throw garbage in covered bins because if we throw garbage here and there then many types of pollution will occur ,diseases will arise so to escape from these things we should throw garbage in covered bins.

What happens if we stop littering?

Simply put, destroying it. When waste isn’t properly disposed of in the correct bins there’s less chance of recycling. The litter ends up in our water systems, it ends up in the digestive tracts of our wildlife, it ends up smothering plants, and reduces air quality due to smell and toxic chemical vapors coming from it.

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What happens when we throw garbage in the open?

These wastes should not be thrown in an open area due to the following reasons. It spread diseases as flies and mosquitoes tend to sit on the garbage which contaminate our food. Garbage contains litter, blades, broken glass pieces, needles etc which can lead to physical injury.