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What will happens if you mix 410A and R22?

What will happens if you mix 410A and R22?

The answer: No. Putting R-410A refrigerant into an AC unit that was designed to use R-22 will cause the unit to die soon after it tries to run.

Can different refrigerants be mixed into the same system?

The different types of refrigerants are not meant to be mixed. The refrigerant charge must be optimized by using the refrigerant’s respective pressure-temperature chart. This means that you can’t optimize the system charge, which can lead to overheating and reduced system efficiency and lifetime.

Can you mix 134a with 410A?

The United States explicitly prohibit the use of R410A and R134a refrigerant.

What happens if you put R12 in a R134a system?

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R134a systems operate at higher discharge-side pressures than R12, which can cause compressor seals to leak. Bottom line, R134a simply doesn’t cool as well as R12. R12 systems used mineral oil, but unfortunately mineral oil doesn’t dissolve in R134a. So, along with R134a came a new oil: Polyalkylene Glycol—or PAG oil.

What refrigerant can be mixed with r410a?

You can mix R-22 and R-410a refrigerant in the same system.

Is it legal to buy R410A?

There is no “license” issued by anyone for any refrigerant. There is an EPA certification process available, and required, for purchase and handling of CERTIN refrigerants. R410a IS NOT one of those. ANYONE can purchase and handle 410a.

Can 134a and R12 be mixed?

As previously stated, R12 systems usually use mineral oil, which is incompatible with R134a. When R134a comes into contact with mineral oil, it can hinder the oil from returning to the compressor, or possibly reduce heat transfer.

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Can you mix refrigerants with R-22?

Mixing R22 with R407C or any other refrigerant. According to the 609 EPA rule, mixing refrigerants is illegal and anybody caught doing so will be heavily fined. If your system is running on R22 most likely is using mineral oil to lubricate the compressor.