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What will you do now or what do you do now?

What will you do now or what do you do now?

“will”.) “What do we do now” is in the present tense, and is the most correct of the three options, since the speaker is talking about actions in the present. “Will” and “shall” are future tense — so “will” is correct if you are asking, “What will we do after the movie?”

What am I doing Meaning?

If you are asking a question, you have to put the auxiliary before the subject, so the sentence is “What am I doing?” and it means you’re questioning yourself.

What is the difference between now and right now?

Yes, right now means at “this exact moment”. But “now” gives a longer lapse of time–perhaps in the next hour or so. “Right now” is also a panicked expression whereas “now” gives the feeling of being more relaxed.

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What do I do now meaning?

“What do I do now” means you are asking what you should do next. “What am I doing now” means you are asking someone to describe what you are doing at this moment.

What will I do or what I will do?

“What I will do,” should be written “What I will do is…” the punction says the words are a statement. They are a prediction about the future. The prediction is about the future behavior of the speaker. “What will I do” should be written, “What will I do?” The question mark tells us the words form a question.

How do you use as now?

As of now means from this time forward or at this moment….Examples:

  1. As of now, dogs are not allowed in the house. (
  2. No talking – as of now! (
  3. As of now, John is fired from his job.
  4. As of now, we will use the new rules. (

What was I doing vs what were I doing?

I think “What was I doing” is the past tense of “What am I doing”. And “What were I doing” is in a subjunctive mood? Subjunctive mood is not used for the verb that inverts with the subject in a direct question. “What was I doing?” is correct.

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When can I use right now?

You can use right now to emphasize that you are referring to the present moment. Right now I’m feeling very excited. I’m warning you; stop it right now!

Is it right now or Wright now?

Main Difference – Right vs Wright Right basically means correct or acceptable whereas wright refers to a builder or creator.