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What word can I use instead of related?

What word can I use instead of related?


  • akin.
  • analogous.
  • associated.
  • complementary.
  • linked.
  • pertinent.
  • relevant.
  • similar.

What’s another way to say similar to?

What is another word for similar to?

like resembling
approaching identical to
comparable with equivalent to
after the fashion of on a par with
along the lines of equal to

What type of word is related?

RELATED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

When you can relate to something?

The verb relate means “to make a connection.” If you can relate to someone’s story, something like that has happened to you. Relate also means “to give an account of something verbally,” like relating details of your trip to Sweden.

Is synonyms related to thesaurus?

Thesauruses present a catalog of synonyms we may pick and choose to put into our writing. But, a thesaurus used alone is a bad idea, because there is no such thing as a true synonym. Every word has its particular place in the language.

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How can I use related to?

1- “Relate to” should be used when the meaning of the verb is about connections. For example, “I relate to your pain” and “Those cases relate to each other.” If you want to follow standard English, avoid “I relate with your pain,” and so on.

What are related sentences?

[M] [T] I didn’t know for certain which train to take. [M] [T] She told me which clothes would be good to wear. [M] [T] Which do you like better, white wine or red wine?

What is the difference between similar and SimUlar?

Similar means having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable when used as an adjective. Simular means false; specious; counterfeit when used as an adjective. A good way to remember the difference is SimUlar is something that is simUlated.

Is similar and same the same?

Same means that two (or more) things are identical. For instance, a person might have two identical plastic cups or three pairs of ankle-cut socks by the same company and in the same color. Similar means that two (or more) things are nearly identical but not quite.

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What is noun of related?

relatedness. The state of being related, especially by kinship.

What does being related mean?

adj. 1. Being connected; associated. 2. Connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage.