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What word was recently added to the Oxford English Dictionary?

What word was recently added to the Oxford English Dictionary?

More than 550 new words, senses, and sub-entries have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in our latest update, including mentionitis, awesomesauce, safe space, and shticky.

What was remarkable about the Oxford English Dictionary’s announcement of its Word of the Year for 2020?

Oxford Dictionaries: 2020 has too many Words of the Year to name just one. For the first time, the Oxford English Dictionary has chosen not to name a word of the year, describing 2020 as “a year which cannot be neatly accommodated in one single word”.

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What is the last entry in the Oxford English Dictionary?

The last alphabetic entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) was zythum, a kind of malt beer brewed in ancient Egypt. ‘Zyzzyva’ – a tropical beetle – has become the new last word in the Oxford English Dictionary with the latest quarterly update which added over 1,200 new words, phrases and senses.

What is the new word for 2021?

“The word vax, more than any other, has injected itself into the bloodstream of the English language in 2021,” Oxford said in a pun-filled news release. The word “vaccine” was first recorded in English in 1799, following the British scientist Edward Jenner’s experiments with inoculation against smallpox.

What is the Oxford phrase for 2020?

OED Word of the Year expanded for ‘unprecedented’ 2020.

What is the shortest word in the English dictionary?

Actually, there are two shortest words in English, namely, A and I. Whereas the word “A” is an indefinite article, the word “I” is a personal subject pronoun. Again, whereas “A” is the first word in the English dictionary, “I” is the ninth word in the English dictionary.

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What is the very first word in the English dictionary?

The aardvark is not mythical, like the phoenix, since it really exists, but it has its own urban myth. Ask anyone which word comes first in an English dictionary, and they will assuredly answer “aardvark“.

What is the last Z word in the dictionary?

Zyzzyva, a genus of South African weevils found on or near palm trees, is the newest last word you’ll find in the Oxford English Dictionary. Zyzzyva replaces the previous last word in the OED, zythum, an ancient Egyptian malt beer.