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Whats a good superpower for a villain?

Whats a good superpower for a villain?

Power Corrupts: 16 Superpowers That Would Turn Anyone Into A…

  • 12 STRENGTH.
  • 11 X—RAY VISION.
  • 10 SPEED.

What is electros real name?

This article uses bare URLs, which may be threatened by link rot.

Alter ego Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Species Human mutate
Place of origin Endicott, New York
Team affiliations Sinister Six Emissaries of Evil Frightful Four Exterminators Sinister Twelve Legion Accursed

Do you need superpowers to be a superhero?

A superhero is a person who does heroic deeds and has the ability to do them in a way that a normal person couldn’t. So in order to be a superhero, you need a power that is more exceptional than any power a normal human being could possess, and you need to use that power to accomplish good deeds.

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What are some superpowers superheroes have?

The Top 10 Traditional Superhero Powers That Have Staying Power

  1. Mind Control. Imagine how much power one could attain if they could control the minds of everyone around them.
  2. Elemental Control.
  3. Telekinesis.
  4. Under Water Control.
  5. Super Strength.
  6. Super Speed.
  7. Healing.
  8. Shapeshifting.

What is Spider-Man Lotus about?

Set after Gwen Stacy’s death, Spider-Man: Lotus focuses on Peter Parker’s indecision over putting away his Spider-Man suit for good. However, when a terminally ill child requests to see Spider-Man, Peter’s decision becomes even more difficult.

Is Electro still alive?

The excess of power seemed to cause Electro’s body to break apart at an atomic level, and he died in a flare of energy.

Is supervillain a word?

The noun supervillain is formed from the prefix ‘super-‘ and the noun ‘villain’. It was first used at the beginning of the 20th century, in the hyphenated form super-villain, to refer to a villain who was extra villainous.