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Whats the difference between a P226 and MK25?

Whats the difference between a P226 and MK25?

The Mk 25 has just the cutest little picture of an anchor on the slide. That’s it. That’s the only real difference between the Mk 25 and a normal production P226R (which has been the standard P226 model for years now), other than the serial number range and the name on the frame.

How good is the SIG P226 MK25?

SIG Sauer P226 MK25 at the Range The MK25 is a great shooting pistol. Its 34-ounce weight soaks up the already reasonable 9mm recoil. By way of comparison, the SIG M18 Commemorative pistol with a 3.9-inch barrel weighs in at a much lighter 28 ounces.

Does Sig Sauer still make the MK25?

A: The P226 MK25 is still a current model.

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What are the different models of the SIG P226?


  • P226 Rail. The P226 Rail (or P226R) is the same as a P226, but it has a rail on the underside of the frame, just forward of the trigger guard.
  • P226 Tactical.
  • P226 Navy.
  • P226 MK25.
  • P226 Blackwater.
  • P226 SCT.
  • P226 Equinox.
  • P226 ST.

Does the Sig Sauer P226 MK25 have a safety?

The MK25 is a double-action/single-action pistol with a decocker and no manual safety. The chamber can be loaded (condition one) because the firing pin is prevented from moving forward and striking the primer unless the trigger is pressed.

What is the difference between SIG P226 and P226?

Both P226 models sport 4.4-inch barrels, widths between 1.5 and 1.7 inches, and heights of 5.5 inches. The Legion, however, is slightly longer overall than the 7.7-inch Nitron, coming in at just about 8 inches.

Is there a safety on a SIG P226?

The P226 is a double action handgun, meaning a single pull of the trigger both cocks the gun and releases the hammer. The pistol is also equipped with a decocking lever that drops the hammer without firing the pistol. The pistol does not have an external safety.

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Is the SIG P226 extreme better than the MK25?

After some in depth Internet research I determined that the Sig p226 Extreme better suited my personal requirements. The Extreme model has the short reach AND short reset trigger, G10 grips and front cocking striations in the slide (better for press checks). The Extreme and the MK25 list for about the same price.

Is the SIG Sauer P226 Nitron® reliable?

The legendary Navy SEALs started using this firearm way back in the 1980s. This is what made the P226 a must-have for many firearm enthusiasts. If you want Navy SEAL reliability, then you want the Sig Sauer P226. We will mention other options, but the P226 Nitron® is the actual model we are reviewing.

What calibers does the P226 come in?

The P226 is available in three different calibers. You can pick one up in 9mm, .357 SIG, and .40 S&W. The nine millimeter is the classic, and the one you’re most likely to find. It’s also a semi-auto pistol as you’d expect, and it has the DA/SA feature that was once a requirement under JSSAP (Joint Service Small Arms Program).

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What is the best trigger for a P226?

If you are looking for that combo of triggers in particular, the p226 tacops is a good choice as well. Comes with 4 20 round magazines too. The grips on the extreme are way better but you can fix that with a set of g10’s from hogue (they make the g10’s on the extreme)