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When a condominium is sold what must the seller provide upon the buyers request?

When a condominium is sold what must the seller provide upon the buyers request?

Seller must provide Public Offering Statement that includes: Condominium Declaration. Articles of Incorporation (or other document that creates the association).

What is a condo project approval?

To be eligible for Condominium Project Approval, the Condominium Project must: Be primarily residential in nature and not be intended for Rental for Transient or Hotel Purposes; for projects with fewer than 20 Units, no individual owner or related owner can own more than 1 unit.

Why is it harder to sell a condo?

In a nutshell, condos are harder to sell right now primarily because they are harder to buy than houses or townhomes due to financing restrictions.

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What is condo right of first refusal?

When dealing with a homeowners association or condo board: Sometimes a homeowners association or condo board will put a right-of-first-refusal clause into its governing documents. This allows the board to vet potential buyers before a homeowner can accept an offer.

What documents should I ask for when buying a condo?

These include the Declaration, the Bylaws, the Plats and Plans, and the Rules and Regulations. If your Condominium Association is incorporated, you should also obtain and review the Articles of Incorporation. These documents will spell out the operating procedures under which the Condominium functions.

How long does it take for FHA condo approval?

Getting a condo “FHA-approved” can take as little as two weeks or more than three months. Note that getting a condo FHA-approved is not the home buyer’s responsibility. Typically, the responsibility falls to the developer of the condo or an agent for the developer.

How do you find out if a condo is Fannie Mae approved?

Quickly and easily determine if a condo project meets Fannie Mae’s requirements. Fannie Mae’s Condo Project Manager™ (CPM™) is a free, web-based tool that enables lenders to quickly and easily certify a condominium project (or a legal phase of a project). The project must be eligible under the Full Review requirements.

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How do you price a condo?

The best way to price your condo is in a way that’s COMPLETELY SPECIFIC TO YOUR SET OF PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES….12 Factors To Consider When Pricing Your Condo For Sale

  1. Sales Price of Other Units.
  2. Competition.
  3. Bedrooms/Bathrooms.
  4. Square Footage.
  5. View.
  6. Parking Spots.
  7. Storage Spaces.
  8. Building Amenities.

What triggers a right of first refusal?

The right of first refusal is usually triggered when a third party offers to buy or lease the property owner’s asset. The property holder might also agree to pay a percentage of the current value as agreed upon by the holder and the seller when the right of refusal was negotiated.

How does the right of first refusal affect the sale of a condominium unit?

The Right of First Refusal (ROFR) is a clause that gives the HOA the right to purchase a property before the seller accepts another offer. The seller can market the home but before they can actually sell to a potential buyer, the HOA must be given notice and an opportunity to buy the property.