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When a wire of resistance R is cut into two equal parts then resistance of each wire is?

When a wire of resistance R is cut into two equal parts then resistance of each wire is?

Resistance of each part is R/2.

How does resistance of a wire be changed if it is cut into his identical pieces?

Resistivity is material property. It will not change by cutting the wire.

When a wire of length L and resistance R is cut into two equal parts then resistivity of each part is?

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The resistivity depends on the material and not on the dimensions of the wire. a)Remain same Or since area of cross section is the same , the resistance of each part will be half the full wire. But(resistance /length) before and after cut will be the same since R/L = (R/2)/(L/2) = R/L remains the same.

When a wire is cut into two half then the resistance of either part?

Answer: So, when you cut a wire into two exactly equal halves, the resistance will also be down to half. Resistivity, on the other hand, is a property of a material, so unless you change the material of the wire, resistivity will remain same.

Why is resistance R cut into n equal parts?

If the wire is cut into n equal parts, the resistance of each wire is R/n and connected in parallel.

What happens to the resistance if the wire is cut?

Answer: When you cut the wire in the middle then the length is halved. If the length of the wire is decreased then the resistance also decreases.

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What happens to resistance when diameter is halved?

MCQ : If the diameter of a resistance wire is halved then its resistance becomes. The area of the cross-section will get reduced by four times. Thus, the resistance will increase by four times.

What will happen to the resistivity of a wire of length l If it is cut into three parts?

After cutting it into 3 equal parts, each part will have resistance R/3.

What is the number of equal parts into which A conductor having A resistance?

Since the resistance of a conductor, considering the cross sectional area, is proportional to its length, we chose 10 equal parts because the wires will be connected in parallel after being cut.

What is the resistance between P and Q?

Therefore, the resistance between P and Q is 163Ω.

What is the resistivity of A wire?

Resistivity, commonly symbolized by the Greek letter rho, ρ, is quantitatively equal to the resistance R of a specimen such as a wire, multiplied by its cross-sectional area A, and divided by its length l; ρ = RA/l. The unit of resistance is the ohm.