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When did you get your first smartphone?

When did you get your first smartphone?

The first smartphone, created by IBM, was invented in 1992 and released for purchase in 1994. It was called the Simon Personal Communicator (SPC). While not very compact and sleek, the device still featured several elements that became staples to every smartphone that followed.

What is the first thing to do when you get a new phone?

Top 10 Things to Do with Your New Smartphone

  1. How to transfer contacts and media.
  2. Activate your phone.
  3. Protect your privacy and phone.
  4. Connect your email accounts.
  5. Download apps.
  6. Understand data usage.
  7. Set up HD Voice.
  8. Pair with a Bluetooth® accessory.

What age should a kid get a phone 2020?

The average age kids get a phone is between 12 and 13. With that in mind, parents are the best judge of whether their children are ready for a cell phone, and the lessons they teach about that readiness can begin at a young age.

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How did the first smartphone work?

The world’s first smartphone, Simon, was created 15 years before the iPhone. The smartphone featured a monochrome LCD touchscreen measuring 4.5 inches by 1.4 inches, and it came with a stylus. Aside from its calling capabilities, you could also use the Simon to send and receive emails, faxes, and pages.

What should you not do with a new phone?

9 Things Not To Do After Getting Your New Android Phone

  1. Do not ignore your Google account.
  2. Do not install a task killer or battery saving app.
  3. Avoid installing multiple antivirus applications.
  4. Do not install just any app from any source.
  5. Do not go with an update as soon as one comes out.

Do I have to charge my new phone for 8 hours?

Stop being superstitious about how many hours the new phone will be filled the first few times. A new smartphone lithium battery can be charged for about 2-4 hours, while a phone with super-fast charging can be filled within an hour. After charging to 100\%, extend the charge for about 15 minutes.