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When should I drink cinnamon tea for weight loss?

When should I drink cinnamon tea for weight loss?

Add this kitchen ingredient to your daily diet and boost your immunity. Drinking cinnamon tea during bedtime will relax your tired muscles and burn fat.

Can cinnamon tea reduce belly fat?

If you are worried about your bulging stomach, we suggest adding a piping hot cuppa of cinnamon tea to your daily diet. This bitter-sweet spice is known to aid metabolism, regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin function–all this collectively can help you lose weight.

How much cinnamon tea should I drink to lose weight?

While the jury’s still out when it comes to weight loss, a daily dose of the mix — one teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of green tea or drizzled over a banana — will at least taste good. Check out some evidence-backed tips for fast weight loss here.

Can I drink cinnamon tea at night for weight loss?

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For all the times you dream of having a soothing and sweet drink before going to bed, this cinnamon tea can come to your rescue without adding to your waistline. Apart from compensating for the sugar, cinnamon is also loaded with many other benefits which can help in weight loss.

How do you make cinnamon tea for weight loss?

How to make cinnamon and honey tea for weight loss

  1. Boil a cup of water in a tea kettle.
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the water and let it cool.
  3. Now, add a teaspoon of raw, organic honey to the cinnamon water and stir.
  4. Your honey and cinnamon health tonic for weight loss is now ready to be consumed.

What does Cinnamon do to a female body?

It’s filled with antioxidants and offers several health benefits, including reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, improved heart health, and perhaps even weight loss. Cinnamon tea may also fight off infections and reduce PMS and menstrual cramps.