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When the capacity of an aerosol is above what amount must it be declared in the transport document?

When the capacity of an aerosol is above what amount must it be declared in the transport document?

Aerosols of capacity greater than 1000ml must be declared.

What is the packing group for aerosols?

Aerosols, poison, Packing Group III (each not exceeding 1 L capacity)

What is a limited quantity shipment?

When shipped by ground, air, or vessel, small quantities of hazardous materials (or dangerous goods)—referred to as “limited quantities”—are granted relief from certain hazmat shipping requirements.

What is the maximum net quantity permitted in each single aerosol containing hair spray?

0.5 kg
The total net quantity of all above mentioned articles must not exceed 2 kg or 2 L, and the net quantity of each single article must not exceed 0.5 kg or 0.5 L. Release valves on aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release of the contents.

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Can you ship aerosols by air?

Before any aerosol container can be shipped, it must be shipped in a DOT approved container. You may ship a total of 150kg by cargo air. 9. I acknowledge that these items are forbidden on passenger aircraft.

How do I ship aerosol cans USPS?

For Flammable Aerosols, You Can Only Use Surface Transportation. If your aerosols are flammable, you’ll be restricted to USPS’ ground transportation services. Those services include Retail Ground at the Post Office, and Parcel Select Ground when you use online shipping software.

Can aerosol cans be shipped by air?

Before any aerosol container can be shipped, it must be shipped in a DOT approved container. The shipper can easily identify a DOT approved container by looking for the DOT approval type along the lower sidewall. You may ship a total of 150kg by cargo air.

What is the transport hazard class IATA IMDG for a flammable aerosol?

Aerosols are always classified as Class 2 (Gases). Aerosols are assigned only to divisions 2.1 (flammable) and 2.2 (non-flammable, non-toxic) within class 2 according to the primary hazard they present during transport.

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What is considered limited quantity?

The limited quantity is the maximum quantity per inner packaging or article for transporting dangerous goods as limited quantities. The excepted quantity is the maximum quantity per inner and outer packaging for transporting dangerous goods as excepted quantities.

What is the difference between ORM D and limited quantity?

Prior to 2020, you may be familiar with the designation of ORM-D. However, as of 2021, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has sunsetted the ORM-D label and now uses the designation “Limited Quantity” for identifying potentially hazardous materials for domestic transport.

What is the maximum net quantity permitted in each bottle each single article of medicine containing alcohol?

0.5 kilograms
The total net quantity of all non-radioactive medicinal or toilet articles and non-flammable, non-toxic aerosols in Division 2.2, must not exceed 2 kilograms or 2 L, and the net quantity of each single article must not exceed 0.5 kilograms or 0.5 litres.

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Can you take aerosols on Emirates flights?

All liquids, gels and aerosols, pastes, lotions, creams, drinks and other items of similar consistency must be in containers with a capacity no greater than 100ml. Those carried in containers larger than 100ml will not be accepted, even if the container is only partially filled.