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When the displacement of a particle executing SHM is half its amplitude the ratio of its kinetic energy to potential energy is?

When the displacement of a particle executing SHM is half its amplitude the ratio of its kinetic energy to potential energy is?

When the displacement is half the amplitude, the ratio of potential energy to the total energy is. 1.

When the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is half of its amplitude its PE is 3 J its total energy is?

When the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is half of its amplitude, its P.E. is 3 J. Its total energy is 12 J.

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When the displacement of particle executing simple harmonic motion is half of its?

The displacement of a particle executing SHM is half its amplitude.

At what displacement of a simple harmonic motion is the energy half kinetic and half potential?

Answer: At what displacement from the mean position its energy is half kinetic and half potential. when Kinetic energy is maximum potential energy is zero. when kinetic energy is half of its maximum, potential energy will become other half and both are equal.

When the displacement in SHM is 1 3 rd of the amplitude what fraction of total energy is potential?

What fraction of total energy is kinetic energy and what fraction is potential 8 1.7 energy? Ans. : 7.9 (4) The displacement of a narticle nerforn (9) no.

What is the displacement of simple energy?

Energy Changes in a Simple Harmonic Motion: When the object is at one of the extremes ( displacement equals amplitude), it is momentarily at rest, and the kinetic energy at this point is zero, while the potential energy is maximum (equal to the total energy).

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When a particle oscillates simple harmonically its kinetic energy?

When a particle oscillates simple harmonically, its kinetic energy varies periodically.

What will be the value of displacement of a particle performing SHM when its kinetic energy is 3/4th of total energy?

If the KE of a particle performing a SHM of amplitude A is (3)/(4) of its total energy, then the value of its displacement is. K. E. =34T.

At what displacement a the potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is maximum b the kinetic energy is maximum?

At maximum displacement from the equilibrium point, potential energy is a maximum while kinetic energy is zero. At the equilibrium point the potential energy is zero and the kinetic energy is a maximum.