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When to use will have been in a sentence?

When to use will have been in a sentence?

Will have use past participle of the verb and will have been using present participle of the verb. Will have tells us about the action which is completed in the future but ‘will have been’ tells us about action which is unfinished but will be finished. ‘Will have’ is the Future Perfect Tense.

Is have been being correct?

Short answer: It’s grammatically correct but stylistically unusual. “I have been a good student since I started studying more” would be a smoother way to say basically the same thing.

Will have or will have been?

1 Answer. For your example you probably want to use will be. This refers to to a point in time which is in the future relative to now – in this case the year 2030. Will have been refers to a time, which is in the past relative to a time in the future.

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Will have been completed?

The FUTURE PERFECT TENSE indicates that an action will have been completed (finished or “perfected”) at some point in the future. This tense is formed with “will” plus “have” plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form): “I will have spent all my money by this time next year.

Has been being sentence?

*He has been being stubborn about breaking grammar rules. He has been stubborn about breaking grammar rules. Even if the structure were followed by a noun, the tense would be wrong and again present perfect would be the correct tense. *He has been being a teacher for 20 years.

Will have been being grammar?

There is no future perfect progressive for the “to be” verb. “Will have been being” is expressed simply as “will have been”: “By this time next year we will have been being on this committee for a decade.”

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Will have been tense examples?

They will have been playing football in that field before you reach. April will have been gossiping in the coffee shop before she comes here. Bob will have been studying in the library before he comes to the class. We will have been shopping in that market before you come home.

Will have been being?

“Will have been being” is expressed simply as “will have been”: “By this time next year we will have been being on this committee for a decade.” By the time he finishes this semester, Gesualdo will have been studying nothing but parasites for four years.

Would have been which tense?


If clause (condition) Main clause (result)
If + past perfect perfect continuous conditional
If this thing had happened that thing would have been happening.

Would have been Vs would?

What is the difference between “would have” and “would have been”? Answer: “Would have” is used together with a main verb. When you see “would have” in a sentence it means that the action didn’t actually happen, because something else didn’t happen first.