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When were chickens first bred?

When were chickens first bred?

Domestication of the chicken dates back to at least 2000 B.C. and their ancestry can be traced back to four species of wild jungle fowl from Southeast Asia.

Who came first chicken or egg?

Eggs certainly came before chickens, but chicken eggs did not—you can’t have one without the other. However, if we absolutely had to pick a side, based on the evolutionary evidence, we’re on Team Egg.

What came first the chicken or the chicken egg?

But it doesn’t matter; at some point in evolutionary history when there were no chickens, two birds that were almost-but-not-quite chickens mated and laid an egg that hatched into the first chicken. If you are prepared to call that egg a chicken’s egg, then the egg came first.

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Where did chickens come from originally?

Some say the first domesticated chickens come from Peru and they were used for eggs and meat. But many believe they were first bred in India for cockfighting. In 3000 BC Eastern Europe was introduced to chickens, it wasn’t till later the Western Europe got there chickens.

Are chickens descendants of dinosaurs?

No, tyrannosaurs share a common ancestor with chickens, but they were rendered extinct 65 million years ago. No living species is directly descended from the Tyrannosaur line. Birds are descendants of dinosaurs, but not any of the large species of dinosaurs.

Are chickens evolved from dinosaurs?

But interpreted literally, the answer to the riddle is clear. Dinosaurs were forming bird-like nests and laying bird-like eggs long before birds (including chickens) evolved from dinosaurs. “The egg came before the chicken,” Zelenitsky said. “Chickens evolved well after the meat-eating dinosaurs that laid these eggs.”.

How did the chicken evolve from the dinosaur?

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How Did Chickens Evolve? The first step in evolution is having a living ancestor. And while most dinosaurs were killed off and made extinct by that infamous giant meteor, some smaller species and subspecies survived, evolving onward to become an ancestor of the chicken. (source)