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Where are hydrothermal deposits usually found?

Where are hydrothermal deposits usually found?

Mid-Ocean Ridges
TECTONICS | Hydrothermal Vents At Mid-Ocean Ridges Most hydrothermal deposits that have been found on intermediate- and slow-spreading ridge crests are focused along faults, fissures, and volcanic structures within large rift valleys that are several kilometres wide.

What minerals are found in hydrothermal ore deposits?

The solutions introduce silica and iron, which combine with the calcium and magnesium in the parent rock to form silicate minerals such as diopside, tremolite, and andradite. The hydrothermal solutions may also deposit ore minerals of iron, copper, zinc, tungsten, or molybdenum.

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What is a hydrothermal mineral deposit?

hydrothermal mineral deposit, any concentration of metallic minerals formed by the precipitation of solids from hot mineral-laden water (hydrothermal solution). The solutions are thought to arise in most cases from the action of deeply circulating water heated by magma.

What is the difference between a magmatic ore deposit and a hydrothermal deposit?

Ore deposits that form in and around igneous rock units as a result of mineral precipitation from aqueous solutions or hydrothermal fluids are hydrothermal ore deposits. Magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits are hydrothermal ore deposits in which the aqueous solutions were derived from magma.

Which is the most common ore of lead?

Types of lead ore Lead ore is most commonly found as lead sulphide (PbS), galena, a heavy, shiny grey metallic ore with a conspicuous cubic cleavage, but locally pyromorphite, lead chlorophosphate (Pb5(PO4)3Cl), was worked on Green Hill, near Charterhouse and on Blagdon Hill.

Which minerals are examples of placer deposits?

Mineral Deposits The most common placer deposits are those of gold, platinum group minerals, gemstones, pyrite, magnetite, cassiterite, wolframite, rutile, monazite, and zircon.

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What is hydrothermal ore?

Summary. A hydrothermal ore deposit is one in which the ore minerals were precipitated from aqueous high-temperature fluid solutions, where: Aqueous implies that the solvent is water. The fluids are solutions, and can have salinities up to several times that of seawater.

What are hydrothermal deposits and what are the two general types?

What are hydrothermal deposits, and what are the two general types? Hydrothermal deposits are deposits of ore generated from hot, ion-rich fluids. The two main types of hydrothermal deposits are vein deposits and disseminated deposits.

Which types of ores are most commonly concentrated in magmatic deposits?

Three oxide ore minerals form magmatic cumulates: chromite, magnetite, and ilmenite. The world’s largest chromite deposits are all magmatic cumulates; the largest and richest of these is in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa.

Why are ore deposits relatively rare?

Ore deposits are rock volumes containing selected elements in sufficient concentration and quantity that they can be extracted economically. Such extreme element concentration involves a combination of processes operating in concert, which explains why ore deposits have similar characteristics but are relatively rare.

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What color is lead ore?


Galena Lead glance
Color Lead gray and silvery
Crystal habit Cubes and octahedra, blocky, tabular and sometimes skeletal crystals
Twinning Contact, penetration and lamellar
Cleavage Cubic perfect on {001}, parting on {111}

Which mineral is found together with lead deposits?

Lead and zinc are often found together in ore deposits; however, less so with copper and iron.
