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Where can you find bacteria in your house?

Where can you find bacteria in your house?

While many people assume that the bathroom doorknob would be the dirtiest, the NSF found other spots that ranked higher with bacteria, including:

  • bathroom light switches.
  • refrigerator handles.
  • stove knobs.
  • microwave handles.

How long does viruses and bacteria live on surfaces?

“It’s estimated viruses can live anywhere from one to seven days on non-porous surfaces, but they quickly lose their ability to cause infection.” Dr. Rosa groups common household germs into viruses or bacteria and lists how long these invisible threats can stick around.

How do I keep my house bacteria free?

Banish Bedroom Germs

  1. Wash all bed linens at least once a week in hot water — more often if someone is sick.
  2. Wash soiled items — like clothes with grass stains — separately from other laundry, especially sheets.
  3. Keep food and snacks out of bedrooms. Crumbs attract mold and bacteria.
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What’s the dirtiest thing in your house?

10 dirtiest things in your house — and how to stay safe from…

  • Dish sponges or rags. Why: Dirt plus moisture equals bad news.
  • Kitchen sinks. Why: This is the second highest breeding ground for e.
  • Toothbrush holders.
  • Pet bowls.
  • Coffee makers.
  • Bathroom faucet handles.
  • Kitchen counters.
  • Cutting boards.

Which room in the house has the most germs?

The kitchen
The kitchen is the dirtiest room in a house, but germs also collect in the bathrooms, particularly in toothbrushes. Home offices are bacteria-ridden thanks to heavily-touched objects like keyboards and phones. Also on the list is living room carpet, washing machines, and food and water bowls for pets.

How do germs spread on surfaces?

Depending on the type of germ, most of them are transmitted through direct skin contact, bodily fluid exchange, airborne particles landing on you, contact with feces, or touching an infected surface.

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What is a natural disinfectant?

The best natural disinfectants include alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, hot water, and some essential oils. Evidence suggests that in some cases, many of these natural disinfectants can be as effective at killing germs as chemical cleaners like bleach.