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Where did screwed and chopped originate?

Where did screwed and chopped originate?

Chopped and screwed (also called screwed and chopped or slowed and throwed) is a music genre and technique of remixing music that involves slowing down the tempo and deejaying. It developed in the Houston hip hop scene in the early 1990s by DJ Screw.

Who started chopped and screwed?

DJ Screw
Chopped and screwed music was invented by DJ Screw in Houston in the early 90s. DJ Screw realized that when he played records at lower tempos on his turntables, he created a heavier, more plodding soundscape. Along with slowing the tempo, Screw would play the same song on both turntables offset by one beat.

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What does being chopped and screwed mean?

Chopped and Screwed… slowed and throwed. Basically just slowed and scratched over songs possibly being mixed with other songs. Originated in Houston with DJ Screw.

Is slowed and reverb chopped and screwed?

“Slowed + reverb.” The phenomenon, discovered by suburban white teens, is a simple DIY remixing style that has thrived on YouTube in recent years, according to Pitchfork. But at the root of this so called “slowed + reverb” is a very familiar sound– chopped and screwed, birthed right here in Houston, Texas.

How did DJ Screw make beats?

‘Screw would have two copies of the same record spinning on the turntables, one playing just behind the other, and he’d “chop” back and forth between them with his crossfader at moments he wanted to bring out; scratching and running records back to repeat phrases and double up beats, sometimes dragging a finger …

Who invented slow and reverb?

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Moore, known to his 24,000 subscribers as Slater, is regarded among aficionados as the originator of the “slowed + reverb” phenomenon, a simple DIY remixing style that has thrived on YouTube in recent years.

What does reverb stand for?

Before we explore the different types of reverb, we should define “reverb.” Reverb — short for “reverberation” — is all the sound other than the direct sound source that we hear when sound bounces back to our ears from various surfaces in our environment.

What killed Screw?

When Screw, just 29 at the time, died on November 16, 2000, from what medical examiners said was an overdose of codeine – drank’s active ingredient – that connection was forged for good.

How did DJ Screw get his sound?

DJ Screw, who passed away 15 years ago today, created a signature sound by slowing down records and recording them on mix tapes in his apartment. Though we don’t know how he first came up with his stage name, DJ Screw used the tool he was named after to make his records unique.

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What equipment did DJ Screw use?

In this documentary on DJ Screw, colleague DJ Chill mentions that in the beginning, DJ Screw used a 1200, a Radioshack mixer (this mixer is pictured in the film), and some other unspecified turntable.

What is Predelay?

Pre-delay. Pre-delay is the amount of time between the direct sound and the start of the early reflections—reflections that only bounce off one or two surfaces before reaching the listener. Larger rooms naturally exhibit longer pre-delay because it takes longer for the sound to reach a surface and reflect off of it.