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Where did the saying pigeonhole come from?

Where did the saying pigeonhole come from?

pigeon-hole (n.) also pigeonhole, 1570s as “a small recess for pigeons to nest in,” from pigeon + hole (n.); later “hole in a dovecote for pigeons to pass in and out” (1680s). Extended meaning “a little compartment or division in a writing desk,” etc. is from 1680s, based on resemblance.

What does pigeonhole mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to place in or as if in the pigeonhole of a desk. b : to lay aside : shelve his reports continued to be pigeonholed and his advice not taken— Walter Mills. 2 : to assign to an often restrictive category : classify.

What does the term pigeonholed mean to a bill?

Pigeonholing is a process that attempts to classify disparate entities into a limited number of categories (usually, mutually exclusive ones).

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What’s another term for pigeon holed?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pigeonhole, like: stereotype, label, classify, assort, pigeon-holes, define, type, range, niche, slot and compartment.

What is a pigeonhole in a car?

2. pigeonhole – a small compartment. cubbyhole.

What is a Ryder?

ryder (plural ryders or rideren) A rider or equestrian; one who rides a horse. A horseman or mounted combatant; a knight.

How do I stop being pigeonholed at work?

How to break out of your pigeonhole

  1. Make a plan. Schedule a time and sit down with your manager to communicate your ambitions, skillset and career vision, and work out a plan with them to seek out new opportunities.
  2. Reach beyond your role.
  3. Keep an eye out.
  4. Sharpen your skills.
  5. Start your own project.
  6. Get to know people.

What is the difference between public and private bills?

Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations. A private bill provides benefits to specified individuals (including corporate bodies).

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How do you use pigeonhole in a sentence?

Pigeonhole in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Instead of big expensive lockers, students had access to a small pigeonhole where one or two books could fit.
  2. The elderly woman stored her coins in a small in a pigeonhole instead of a large compartment.
  3. The mouse was able to evade the cat by slipping in the house through the pigeonhole.

Why is it called glovebox?

A glove compartment or glove box is a compartment built into the dashboard of an automobile, located over the front-seat passenger’s footwell, and often used for miscellaneous storage. The name derives from the original purpose of the compartment, to store driving gloves.

What does skell mean?

noun Slang. a homeless person who lives on the streets, sleeps in doorways or subways, etc.; derelict.