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Where did the term off the cuff come from?

Where did the term off the cuff come from?

Search Online Etymology Dictionary says: “ Off the cuff “extemporaneously” is 1938 American English colloquial, suggesting an actor or speaker reading from notes jotted on his shirt sleeves rather than learned lines. It’s fairly common for students today to write notes on their hands or wrists.

What does the saying off the cuff mean?

: not prepared in advance : spontaneous, informal off-the-cuff remarks.

What’s the word for speaking off the cuff?

What is another word for speak off the cuff?

wing it ad-lib
fake speak impromptu
busk do something off the cuff
vamp make up on the spot
improvise speech do cold

How do you talk off the cuff?

Here are four ways to improve your ability to speak off the cuff.

  1. 1) Change the way you think about impromptu speaking.
  2. 2) Start with a pause.
  3. 3) Trust yourself and turn off your internal critic.
  4. 4) Use a simple framework to organize your thoughts.
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What does to stave off mean?

1 : to fend off staving off creditors. 2 : to ward off (something adverse) : forestall trying to stave off disaster.

What does off the bat mean?

Instantly, immediately, as in I can’t tell you how many right off the bat, but I can find out. This term alludes to a baseball being hit by a bat. [ First half of 1900s]

What is the meaning off the wall?

Definition of off-the-wall : highly unusual : bizarre an off-the-wall sense of humor.

Why is extemporaneous speech called off the cuff?

Extemporaneous speaking is sometimes called impromptu (from improvisation) speaking, off-the-cuff (a reference to the days when a speaker might write a few notes on the starched cuff of their shirt) speaking, and thinking on your feet.

Is it stave or stave off?

If you stave off something bad, or if you stave it off, you succeed in stopping it from happening for a while.

What is a synonym for stave off?

deflect, fend (off), stop, ward (off)