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Where do photons get their energy from?

Where do photons get their energy from?

Photons can be created, or radiated, by other energy sources, for example electricity (like a light bulb), nuclear reactions (like the sun or radioactivity), or a particle collision. When photons collide or reflect they are actually in a sense being absorbed (annihilated) and a new photon is emitted (created).

How are photons and energy related to light?

As per Einstein’s light quantum theory, photons have energy equal to their oscillation frequency times Planck’s constant. Einstein proved that light is a flow of photons, the energy of these photons is the height of their oscillation frequency, and the intensity of the light corresponds to the number of photons.

What is a photon and how much light energy does it have?

The energy of a single photon is: hν or = (h/2π)ω where h is Planck’s constant: 6.626 x 10-34 Joule-sec. One photon of visible light contains about 10-19 Joules (not much!) the number of photons per second in a beam.

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How is light a photon and a wave?

When we’re thinking of light as being made of of particles, these particles are called “photons”. Photons have no mass, and each one carries a specific amount of energy. Meanwhile, when we think about light propagating as waves, these are waves of electromagnetic radiation.

How do photons make light?

If electrons jump to an outer orbital, they use energy. But if they jump to an inner orbital, they give up energy. This energy is released as a tiny packet of light energy, or a photon.

How can an electron be a wave and a particle?

Experiments proved atomic particles act just like waves. The energy of the electron is deposited at a point, just as if it was a particle. So while the electron propagates through space like a wave, it interacts at a point like a particle. This is known as wave-particle duality.

How do you find the energy of a photon in electron volts?

The formula for energy in terms of charge and potential difference is E = QV. So 1 eV = (1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs)x(1 volt) = 1.6 x 10^-19 Joules. Now let’s calculate the frequency of the 1 eV photon. E = hf, so f = E/h.

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Do photons carry electrons?

Physicists have set a quantum record by using photons to carry messages from electrons over a distance of 1.2 miles. The work advances a long-standing problem in quantum physics—how to send “entangled” particles over long distances.