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Where do you get exotic trinkets?

Where do you get exotic trinkets?

Exotic trinkets can be dropped from the following sources.

  • Killing any monster or specific monsters in various achievements.
  • Chance from World bosses’ reward chest.
  • Chance from Glorious Chest at the end of some meta events.
  • Chance from Fractals of the Mists reward chests.
  • Level-80 Equipment Package from the Level-80 Boost.

How do you use a torch in gw2?

Smash your torch into the ground, creating a deadly shock wave that conditions foes. Cleanse conditions and become a mobile fire field that burns nearby foes. When the field expires, it explodes, damaging foes and burning them again.

What weapons can warriors use gw2?

Available weapons

Twohands weapon: Greatsword Hammer Longbow Rifle
In the off hand: Axe Mace Sword Shield Warhorn
Aquatic weapon: Harpoon gun Spear
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What weapons can engineers use in gw2?

The engineer is an adventurer profession and wears medium armor….The following crafting disciplines can create items that are useful to the engineer:

  • Weaponsmith — Hammers, Shields, Swords.
  • Huntsman — Harpoon guns, pistols, rifles.
  • Leatherworker — Medium armor.
  • Jeweler — Jewelry.
  • Chef — Food.

What is Karma used for in gw2?

Karma is a non-tradable account-based currency that players can use to purchase items from karma merchants, including Renown Heart NPCs and master craftsmen. The amount of karma you hold can be seen in the Wallet.

Who makes torches gw2?

The torch is an off-hand only weapon and can be crafted by a Huntsman. Torches always grant at least one skill that burns foes. The torch also provides a source of light in darker areas. The maximum damage range for torches is 828 – 972.

What is a focus gw2?

The focus is an off-hand only weapon. Foci are primarily used by scholar professions and are characterized by having powerful defensive skills and utility. Focus. Type Off-hand weapon Used by. Guardian.

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What is a burst skill gw2?

Burst attacks or burst skills are a warrior profession mechanic that expend all built-up adrenaline. Each weapon has one burst skill that improves at three different stages of adrenaline. Bursts carry a few different mechanics aside from standard skills.

What weapons can mesmers use?

The Mesmer can wield a Scepter in its main hand, a Sword in either, a Focus, Pistol or Torch in its offhand, and can swing a Staff or Greatsword with both. For underwater combat, Mesmers can wield either a trident (ranged) or spear (melee). Both weapons are 2-handed and used exclusively when underwater.

What profession makes pistols in gw2?

Huntsman is a crafting discipline that focuses on ranged weapons such as short bows, longbows, pistols, rifles, and harpoon guns, as well as torches and warhorns.