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Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

How to answer “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

  • Do your research. Show your interviewer you’re prepared by researching the company and the position.
  • Imagine your future.
  • Relate your answer to the job.
  • Be ambitious, yet realistic.
  • Tell them what you want.
  • End your answer with a question.

How do you answer Where do you see yourself after high school?

Instead, a strong response should convey that you:

  1. Expect to be with this company in five years.
  2. Have seriously considered your future (because you’re an ambitious person).
  3. Are passionate about this job/company/industry.
  4. Want to grow with the company/in this role.
  5. Have done your research.

How important is senior high school?

Senior High School aims to prepare students before entering college, equipping them with the global skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to achieve successful career paths in the future. For Grade 10 completers, it means embarking on a new academic journey.

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How do you see yourself example?

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, I was promoted three times in less than two years.”

How do you answer interview where do you see yourself?

How to answer ‘where do you see yourself in five years?’ in an interview

  1. Get clear about your career goals. Take some time to brainstorm what your career goals are for the next five years.
  2. Find connections between your goals and the job description.
  3. Ask yourself if the company can prepare you for your career goals.

Should you reflect on your high school years?

A good reflection of high school ought to do you good. You’ll be reminded of how you got here, what you learned, and what experiences were most meaningful to you. As another fellow graduating senior, here’s what these past four years of high school have taught me.

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What is it like to be a senior leaving high school?

Seniors leaving/Leaving as a senior and graduating doesn’t start to sink in until after the fact. And then it hits you like a freight train. And then all of a sudden, everyone you’ve grown up with/met and gotten to know in ther last 12 years is out of the picture or slowly starting to fade away.

How to answer “where do you see yourself in five years?

When answering the question, “where do you see yourself in five years?” it is important to structure you answer by covering a few topics, such as: 1 Your Interest in the Job 2 Your Core Strenghts 3 Your Professional Goals 4 Where you would like to be each year

Is high school really the best four years of Your Life?

But if you really take those seven words to heart, they can really change your perspective on high school (or whatever stage of education you’re in). Growing up, I’ve heard adults say, “High school was the best four years of my life!”