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Where does Evil Morty come from?

Where does Evil Morty come from?

Evil Morty first appears in Rick and Morty season 1 episode 10, “Close Rick-counters Of The Rick Kind”, though his true nature is only revealed at the end of the plot, as he hides behind an “evil” Rick that he is controlling.

Why did Morty become evil?

Biography. Evil Morty’s backstory is mostly unknown, but at one point, he killed a Rick (possibly even his own Rick) and turned him into Evil Rick, modifying his body with cyborg implants to control him in order to cover him in case he and his plans were discovered.

What was Evil Morty’s plan?

As was explained during the finale for season five, Evil Morty was attempting to escape a never-ending cycle, wherein the Ricks put together an existence for the Mortys of the multiverse to always be “enslaved” to their respective Grandfathers.

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Was Evil Morty really evil?

Evil Morty’s plan really wasn’t so evil at all – he might have murdered countless Ricks and Mortys to achieve his goal, but he’s just playing by his grandfather’s rules. And that’s it – Evil Morty won.

Who is the real Morty?

Morty Smith
First appearance Morty Smith: “Pilot” (2013) President Morty: “Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind” (2014)
Created by Justin Roiland Dan Harmon
Portrayed by Jaeden Martell
Voiced by Justin Roiland

Was evil Morty actually evil?

Will we see evil Morty again?

Evil Morty finally returned to the series after last showing up during the events of the third season, and with it finally enacted his master plan. Evil Morty’s return has shaken up the series in some truly major ways, and it’s clear that the series indeed has capitalized on all of their build up.

Why was evil Morty killing Ricks?

President Morty’s evil plan all along was simple: escape the cage Ricks built for him. He killed a lot of Ricks and a lot of Mortys, but ultimately all he wanted to do was get to the other side of the Central Finite Curve. To the part of the infinite multiverse free of Ricks’ control over his kind’s existence.

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Will we ever see evil Morty again?

Rick and Morty’s writers and producers broke down the challenges of bringing Evil Morty back to the series for the Season 5 finale! Evil Morty finally returned to the series after last showing up during the events of the third season, and with it finally enacted his master plan.