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Where does Nicola Sturgeon come from?

Where does Nicola Sturgeon come from?

Irvine, United KingdomNicola Sturgeon / Place of birth (Ayrshire Central Hospital (Woodland view))Irvine is an ancient settlement, in medieval times a royal burgh, and now a new town on the coast of the Firth of Clyde in North Ayrshire, Scotland. The 2011 Census recorded the town’s population at 33,698 inhabitants, making it the largest settlement in North Ayrshire. Wikipedia

How many seats did SNP win in 2016?


Party Constituencies Total seats
Votes \%
SNP 1,059,898 48.8
Conservative 501,844 24.0
Labour 514,261 18.6

Who is Nicola Sturgeons mum?

Joan Kerr SturgeonNicola Sturgeon / Mother

How old is Nicola Sturgeon?

51 years (July 19, 1970)Nicola Sturgeon / Age

How long has LNP in power?

At state and territory level, the Liberal Party is in office in three states: New South Wales since 2011, Tasmania since 2014 and South Australia since 2018.

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How many Green MSP are there in Scotland?

The Scottish Greens (also known as the Scottish Green Party; Scottish Gaelic: Pàrtaidh Uaine na h-Alba [ˈpʰaːrˠʃtʲi ˈuəɲə nə ˈhal̪ˠapə]; Scots: Scots Green Pairtie) are a green political party in Scotland. The party has seven MSPs in the Scottish Parliament as of May 2021.

What has the SNP ever done for You?

Since 2007 every home in Scotland has benefited in some way from SNP government policies . We have transformed education, bolstered our health service, built thousands of affordable homes – we’ve even made Scotland’s tax system more progressive and launched a new social security agency.

How has the SNP changed NHS Scotland whole-time equivalent staff?

In 2007 when the SNP entered government for the first time, there were 127,062 WTE. Under the SNP government, NHS Scotland whole-time equivalent staff have increased by 12,430. This follows the trend of increases in staff numbers in NHS Scotland from at least 2002.

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Why choose Scotland for your GP practice?

For over five years, Scotland has had the highest number of GPs per head of population anywhere in the UK. We’ve expanded IVF to more families – making access in Scotland the fairest and most generous in the UK. Scotland is leading the world on alcohol pricing, being the first country to implement minimum unit pricing.

What has the SNP done for small businesses in Scotland?

To help protect jobs and businesses through the recession, we’ve slashed or abolished business rates for over 117,000 premises – saving small businesses around £2 billion to date. Scotland is an exporting powerhouse, and our international exports are up 63 per cent under the SNP – valued at £33.8 billion in 2018.