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Where does the weight of a body becomes zero?

Where does the weight of a body becomes zero?

centre of the Earth
Weight can be zero when acceleration due to gravity is zero. The value of ‘g’ is maximum on the surface of the Earth and decreases on going inside the surface or above the surface of the Earth. Thus, the weight of a body will be zero at the centre of the Earth.

Why the weight of a body will be zero during free fall?

Every body on this earth is attracted by the gravitational pull of the earth. This happens because the normal reaction force exerted on the object in the lift is equal to zero, and normal force equals to mg, which in turn equals the weight of the object. …

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Why can weight be zero when mass Cannot be zero?

The mass of a body can be zero whereas the weight of a body can never be zero. Hence the weight of the body can be zero. Now as we know that the mass of any body does not depend on any parameter it is dependent only on the object i.e. body because mass is an intrinsic property. So the mass of a body can never be zero.

Can a body have zero mass and zero weight?

Answer Expert Verified It is not possible for a body to have zero mass ( no body can exist without mass ) but a body can have zero weight….. At the center of the earth the gravitational acceleration is 0 so multiply 0 with mass and any no. multiplied with 0 is 0 so weight can be 0.

What weight of a body becomes zero at the Centre of Earth?

At the centre of the earth, the acceleration due to gravitiy is zero, so weight of the body at the centre of earth is zero.

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Can an object have a mass of 0?

If a particle has no mass (m = 0) and is at rest (p = 0), then the total energy is zero (E = 0). But an object with zero energy and zero mass is nothing at all. Therefore, if an object with no mass is to physically exist, it can never be at rest. But light is not the only massless object.

What is the weight of the body during a free fall?

Neglecting air resistance, there are no other contact forces on a body during free fall and hence, its weight is zero.

Can a body be at rest and motion at the same time?

Yes, an object can be at rest with respect to one object and can bein motion with respect to one object and can be in motion with respect to another object. Thus rest and motion are relative terms.

Why is the weight zero at the center of earth?

Acceleration due to gravity becomes 0. Weight is equal to mg. At the center of the earth, you experience zero net force since every mass particle is equally pulling on you in different directions that all cancel out. Thus, your acceleration is zero and therefore your weight is 0.

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Why weight of an object is zero at the centre of the earth?

Weight of an object is zero at the centro of the earth as the distance between the object and the centre or the radius of the earth becomes zero. Therefore, the acceleration due to gravity also becomes zero.