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Where is Arvind Subramanian now?

Where is Arvind Subramanian now?

Subramanian is currently a Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. He previously served as Professor of Economics at Ashoka University and a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and Center for Global Development.

Who is the present chief economic advisor of Indian economy?

K.V. Subramanian
Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) K.V. Subramanian on Tuesday said India is expected to log double-digit growth in the current financial year, aided by rising demand and a robust banking sector. He also said the seminal second generation reforms would help the country grow over 7\% during this decade.

Who was the first chief economic advisor of India?

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JJ Anjaria
List of CEAs

No Name Term of office
1 JJ Anjaria 1956
2 IG Patel 1961
IG Patel 1965
3 VK Ramaswamy 1967

How do you become a chief economic advisor of India?

A doctoral degree in finance or economics is desirable. For government employees, six years’ experience in economic research or providing economic advice or evaluating economic reforms, including one year of administrative experience, has been made mandatory. The age limit is 56 years.

Who is the new chief economic advisor?

Krishnamurthy Subramanian
Who’s Who

Dr. Krishnamurthy Subramanian Chief Economic Adviser 5229
Shri Satyender Kishor PPS 5008
Shri S. Ramakrishnan PPS 5008

What does an advisor do in government?

Advisors work with elected officials to provide insight and guidance on issues they may not be familiar with. They also work with stakeholders to ensure their needs are heard and met, if possible.

Why do we need advisors?

Advisors bring different opinions, perspectives, and experiences than your leadership team has. They are able to look at issues like business performance, market trends, and long-term strategy through a different lens and in an unbiased way.