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Where is the Preheader in an email?

Where is the Preheader in an email?

Email preheader is a snippet of text that follows the best subject line of your emails and can make all the difference between an opened email, deleted or marked as a spam one. Also known as the Johnson Box or preview text, the email preheader can be displayed next to the subject line or underneath it.

What does Preheader mean?

An email preheader is a text snippet displayed in the inbox after the sender’s name and the subject line. The primary purpose of a preheader is to give an idea of the email’s content and convince recipients to open.

How do you write a Preheader?

To write an effective preheader, you need to start with a good subject line. The subject line should be short, catch your readers’ attention, and stand on its own for those who can’t see the preheader. For an effective subject line and preheader combo, think about what your main idea is and what the call-to-action is.

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What is a pretext in email?

A preheader (otherwise known as a “Johnson Box’”) is the short summary text that follows the subject line when viewing an email from the inbox. Many mobile, desktop and web email clients provide email preheaders to tip you off on what the message contains before you open it.

Should I use a Preheader?

If a subscriber can read your subject line, they can at least read the beginning of your preheader text. Keeping your preheader text to between 40-50 characters should give you a good amount of room to say something meaningful and compelling, while still ensuring it gets shown in full on most devices.

What do you put in a Preheader?

Use a different font or catchy color and, if you can, make the words larger than usual. Your preheader will likely be the first thing readers notice, so making it big and bold enough for them to see could entice them early.

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What do you put in a Preheader email?

Email preheader text is a small line of text that appears after the subject line in an email inbox. Email preheaders give a short summary of the contents of an email, and may appear differently on mobile and web email clients.

What is the difference between subject line and Preheader?

According to MailChimp, the most effective email subject lines are brief, descriptive, and include a compelling reason for the user to click ‘open’. In brief, a preheader is a text that comes after the subject line when an email is viewed in your inbox.