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Which animal has the same number of bones in the neck as humans?

Which animal has the same number of bones in the neck as humans?

A giraffe has the same number of neck vertebrae as a human, mouse, elephant, or armadillo; all have exactly seven. Sloths are an exception, with up to 10 vertebrae in their neck.

Does a human or giraffe have more cervical vertebrae?

Lastly, male giraffe will use their long necks to compete with other males. They do this by swinging their necks against each other in a behavior called ‘necking’. I do NOT recommend trying this at home…

What animal has no neck?

Fish have fins and gills, but they don’t have necks. That’s partly because it would be difficult to swim quickly with a neck that wagged back and forth in the water. What’s more, anything called a fish, by definition, can’t have a neck.

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What do giraffes and humans have in common?

Just like humans, giraffes have seven neck vertebrae. For giraffes, however, each one can be over 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) long! Both male and female giraffes have two distinct, hair-covered horns called ossicones. Giraffes are so big that they really don’t need to hide from predators.

Are giraffe spots like fingerprints?

A giraffe’s spot pattern is similar to one of our fingerprints. It’s a unique identifier for each animal, helping other giraffes recognize who is in their family groups.

Does giraffe have more neck bones than a camel?

– The camel and giraffe both have 7 cervical vertebrae in their body, like all other mammals. Their long neck is not due to more cervical vertebra lengths (about 10 inches long in giraffes) because of more cervical vertebra numbers. The correct Answer is option (B) More length of cervical vertebrae.

Why do giraffes have long necks?

This is called “necking.” Male giraffes whip their necks around, using their heavy skulls like clubs. The longer and thicker the neck, the more likely a giraffe is to win a fight. Since these shorter creatures pick over food at a lower level, giraffes’ necks allow them to reach food and nutrients that others cannot.