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Which ball will hit the ground first if dropped at same time at the same height in a perfect vacuum wood ball plastic ball metal ball?

Which ball will hit the ground first if dropped at same time at the same height in a perfect vacuum wood ball plastic ball metal ball?

Therefore, when both objects are dropped from the same height and at the same time, the heavier object should hit the ground before the lighter one.

When both balls were dropped at the same time and from the same height did they reach the ground at the same time?

If no air resistance is present, the rate of descent depends only on how far the object has fallen, no matter how heavy the object is. This means that two objects will reach the ground at the same time if they are dropped simultaneously from the same height.

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Which of the two ball reaches the ground first?

Both balls reach the ground at the same time. Ball 2 reaches the ground first, because it has the shorter distance to travel. Ball 1 reaches the ground first, since it is moving at the top of the trajectory, while ball 2 is dropped from rest.

What would be the effect of replacing the steel ball with a wooden ball of the same size neglecting air resistance?

Answer:But for a steel or lead ball to have the same mass as a ping-pong ball, the steel or lead ball would have to be tiny compared to the ping-pong ball. The wooden ball would be somewhere in between. That means there will be a difference in both buoyancy and air resistance as each pendulum swung through the air.

What will fall first watermelon or egg?

Because the watermelon is heavier it has a greater gravitational force on it. Since the egg is lighter, the gravitational force is less. The watermelon also has a lower acceleration because it is heavier and the egg the opposite.

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What will drop first physics?

Heaver objects fall faster. If you drop a heavy and light object together, the heavy one will get to the ground first. This is trick question. I remember in physics that everything falls the same.

What falls faster bowling ball or marble?

For example, if you ask someone what would fall faster, a bowling ball or a marble, I bet a lot of folks would say the heavier bowling ball falls faster. But in fact, if dropped from a meter or so off the ground, they’d fall at the same rate. Gravity accelerates them at the same rate, so they fall at the same rate.